Taylor’s Crown Inn

Indulge in an unforgettable dining and drinking experience at Taylor’s Crown Inn, Berrima Vault House. Nestled in the heart of the picturesque town of Berrima, our establishment offers a blend of history, ambiance, and culinary excellence.

Step into our dining space, adorned with rustic charm and character, where our talented chefs craft dishes using the finest seasonal ingredients.

Elevate your meal by choosing a glass of wine from our wine list specially curated by Berrima Vault House’s sommelier Linda Lambrechts, showcasing local wine producers and some of the larger wineries from further afield.

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We provide access to our member-only areas with room hire options & fees. Whether you're hosting a special event or simply seeking a private dining experience, our member-only areas provide an intimate setting that ensures privacy and exclusivity.

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